Tag Archives: Department of Motor Vehicles

The Crucial Role of Form 2290 Schedule 1 Copy: Get it on Time with TaxExcise.com.

Hello, truckers and trucking taxpayers! The trucking community plays a vital role in the economy, with countless heavy vehicles and trucks moving various goods across the country. Among many responsibilities you face in your routine, ensuring your tax compliance might be crucial. Mainly, if you operate a heavy vehicle that falls in the taxable category, you must report and pay the HVUT returns to the IRS and get the stamped Schedule 1 Copy as proof. While it seems like another tax obligation, a Schedule 1 copy is the most crucial document for your truck that has the power to impact your business and trucking operations. Therefore, it is your responsibility to report your Form 2290 HVUT returns to the IRS and get the Schedule 1 Copy to ensure tax compliance and smooth business operations.

Continue reading The Crucial Role of Form 2290 Schedule 1 Copy: Get it on Time with TaxExcise.com.

Know the Differences between Excise Tax and City Tax

The Internal Revenue Service collects taxes every quarter for selling of specific commodities such as gasoline. Besides, there being excise taxes individuals in the U.S have to file city taxes to report their income or property. Although, most individuals and businesses would be aware of the differences between the two tax returns but, those filing either of the taxes for the first need to have a clear understanding of both the taxes to make the filing process smooth. Additionally, e filing is better than paper filing, as this saves time also adding ease. Read below to learn how both the taxes are different. Continue reading Know the Differences between Excise Tax and City Tax