Category Archives: Form 720 Fourth Quarter Deadline

Have January 2025 Used Trucks? Your Form 2290 HVUT is Due This Month! E-file Now!

Hello, truckers! It’s tax time again! If you’ve newly purchased or started using a heavy highway vehicle or truck in January 2025, Form 2290 HVUT returns are due by the end of this month. Therefore, you have to report your truck tax returns and get the Schedule 1 copy within the deadline to avoid IRS actions. Also, you cannot operate your heavy vehicle on public highways without a valid Schedule 1 copy. So, don’t wait; E-file Form 2290 for your January used trucks in and get the instant Schedule 1 copy delivered straight to your email. To help you stay on track, here are some frequently asked questions about Form 2290 for January 2025 used vehicles.

Continue reading Have January 2025 Used Trucks? Your Form 2290 HVUT is Due This Month! E-file Now!

Don’t Miss the Deadline: Make Sure You Report your Taxes on Time!

Hello taxpayers! While this spooky season brings costumes and candy, it’s also time for some important tax deadlines. Don’t let them haunt you! October 31, 2024, is the last date for several tax forms like Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Form 720 and IFTA returns for the third quarter of this tax year. Also, Highway Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 for September used trucks is due on a pro-rated basis on the same date. So, truckers and federal excise taxpayers shouldn’t miss the deadline to fulfill their tax obligations, pay the tax dues, and ensure compliance on time. Since the deadline is almost here, you don’t have to worry! E-file your tax reports in and get instant acknowledgment immediately.

Continue reading Don’t Miss the Deadline: Make Sure You Report your Taxes on Time!

Today is the last date to report form 720 for the quarter and pro-rated form 2290 HVUT.

Dear taxpayers, would like to remind you that today is the last date to report your federal excise tax form 720 for the fourth quarter. You must report form 720 tax returns for your business/service/product that comes under the federal excise tax form 720 and get the acceptance from the IRS within the end of this day.

Similarly, today is the last date to e-file form 2290 highway heavy vehicle use tax on a pro-rate or partial period basis for December 2022 used trucks. Truckers and trucking taxpayers must estimate form 2290 truck taxes for their December used heavy vehicles, report the tax returns, pay the tax dues and get the IRS stamped schedule 1 receipt within today.

Continue reading Today is the last date to report form 720 for the quarter and pro-rated form 2290 HVUT.

The last date to e-file form 720 for the fourth quarter and form 2290 HVUT is approaching soon!

Hello taxpayers! would like to remind you that the last date to report your quarterly federal excise form 720 for the fourth quarter is January 31, 2023. Therefore, you must not miss this deadline to avoid the actions from the IRS like penalties, late charges and interests. You must e-file form 720 at and get the proper acceptance of tax payments from the IRS to stay ahead of the deadlines.

Continue reading The last date to e-file form 720 for the fourth quarter and form 2290 HVUT is approaching soon!

IRS is open; Hurry up and e-file form 720 for the fourth quarter now!

Dear taxpayers! IRS has started accepting and processing form 720 quarterly federal excise taxes as usual and sending out acceptances and acknowledgements. The last date to e-file form 720 excise taxes for the quarter is January 31, 2023. So, you must report form 720 for your business/services/products and get the proper acknowledgement from the IRS. is the best place to prepare, report and pay your form 720 federal excise taxes and get the acceptance instantly to your registered email address.

Continue reading IRS is open; Hurry up and e-file form 720 for the fourth quarter now!